Tag Archives: Intro to Illustrator

Typography Tasks: Intro to Adobe Illustrator


Task 1: Choose 5 adjectives. Select a fill, stroke, colour, typeface, and size for each word that connects to it’s meaning. Arrange them so the art board looks full and balanced.


Task 2: Write your name 5 times using the vertical type tool, and the type on path tool. Create outlines for your letters and ungroup them to adjust and rote each letter in an interesting way. Add extra anchor points to fine-tune your adjustments.


Task 3: Handwrite/print a word 5 times using different options in the brush tool. Experiments with width profile, stroke weight, stroke colour, and opacity.


Task 4: Write a quote and create different fills using gradient and swatch tools.

correia-typeface-task-5Task 5: Choose a word. Adjust the anchor points of the letters so that it looks like what the word is depicting.